Dr. Ana

Anzola, CCC-A, FAAA, ABA Principal

If You're Feeling Sad, Get Your Hearing Tested

If You're Feeling Sad, Get Your Hearing Tested

With nearly 40 million Americans suffering from some sort of hearing loss – and around 60 percent of them are in the work force! – many organizations are looking at the effects of hearing loss on the people who suffer from it, and those around them. And time and again, studies have shown that those who suffer from untreated hearing loss are more likely to suffer from depression, and an overall lower quality of life.

Generation X-ers Affected With Hearing Loss

These symptoms don’t just affect older people with hearing loss. An Italian study focused on working adults aged 35-55 years with mild to moderate hearing loss found that those participants with untreated hearing loss were more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety than those who didn’t have hearing impairment.

Hearing Aids Lead To Better Health

Another recent Italian study found that those people with hearing loss who wore hearing aids were less depressed, had better overall health and social interactions, and even had better relationships with their caregivers than those who left their hearing loss untreated. And the benefits associated with the wearing of hearing aids happened early on – not long after the patient began wearing the hearing aids.

Hearing Aids Help Depression And Anxiety

These findings are the same as those from over 20 years ago. Dr. Cynthia Mulrow and her colleagues published a study in 1990 that found that hearing loss in older adults had unwanted effects on their quality of life – such as depression, anxiety and loss of social interaction. The study also found that once hearing aids were used, these adverse effects often diminished or disappeared altogether.

Untreated Hearing Loss Affects You

Young or old, professional or retired, male or female, the adverse affects of untreated hearing loss can affect you, or someone you care about. It has been proven that hearing aids can help restore the quality of life for someone with hearing loss.




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Looking for trusted, local support? Our specialists at Hearing Doctors in Washington are here to help. Fill out the form to connect with our team and take the next step toward better hearing health!

Get Expert Care in Washington

Looking for trusted, local support? Our specialists at Hearing Doctors in Washington are here to help. Fill out the form to connect with our team and take the next step toward better hearing health!

Get Expert Care in Washington

Looking for trusted, local support? Our specialists at Hearing Doctors in Washington are here to help. Fill out the form to connect with our team and take the next step toward better hearing health!

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If you have a question, a concern, or would like a second opinion, our team is here to help. Simply complete the form and a member of our team will call you shortly for a friendly, no-obligation conversation.

Alternatively, you can book an appointment online today.

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Falls Church, VA

Fairfax, VA

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If you have a question, a concern, or would like a second opinion, our team is here to help. Simply complete the form and a member of our team will call you shortly for a friendly, no-obligation conversation.

Alternatively, you can book an appointment online today.

McLean, VA

Cascades, VA

Falls Church, VA

Fairfax, VA

Rockville, MD