Dec 11, 2014

Dr. Ana

Anzola, CCC-A, FAAA, ABA Principal

Hear All The Sounds Of The Season

Hear All The Sounds Of The Season

The holiday season provides a treat for all of our senses. Our eyes see the lights on trees, we smell fresh baked holiday cookies, and we wait all year for that first sip of eggnog. Even the heat from the fireplace can make you feel like the holiday season has arrived.

The Sounds Of The Season

...And let's not forget the many sounds we enjoy at this festive time of year! Sleigh bells and holiday music, children laughing and even the sound of snow crunching under our feet. The sounds of the season are everywhere. But for those with impaired hearing, many of these sounds are lost.

Most With Hearing Loss Don’t Wear Hearing Aids

Almost 50 million adults in the United States have hearing loss, and around 30 million have hearing loss in both ears. But only one in five Americans with hearing loss are having it treated. This means that the majority of people who could benefit from hearing aids don't have them. Instead, they strain to catch pieces of conversations around them, leaving them feeling frustrated, misunderstood and tired.

Holidays And Hearing Loss

As difficult as it is to live with hearing loss during the year, it can be especially difficult during the holidays. Conversations in loud, crowded places like family gatherings or shopping malls are difficult to follow, and those with untreated hearing loss tend to remove themselves from social activities and conversations entirely.

Difficulty Traveling

Traveling over the holidays can be especially difficult when you have trouble hearing. Crowded and noisy airports, train stations or roadside rest stops can be more challenging to navigate when you can't hear directions or announcements over the loudspeaker. For those with untreated hearing loss, confusion and frustration are often the norm during the holiday season.

Hearing Aids Can Help

A hearing test with an experienced audiologist is the first step in avoiding holiday hassles and making sure you can hear all the joy and cheer around you. Schedule your free hearing consultation today, and make sure not to miss the sounds of the season.




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Looking for trusted, local support? Our specialists at Hearing Doctors in Washington are here to help. Fill out the form to connect with our team and take the next step toward better hearing health!

Get Expert Care in Washington

Looking for trusted, local support? Our specialists at Hearing Doctors in Washington are here to help. Fill out the form to connect with our team and take the next step toward better hearing health!

Get Expert Care in Washington

Looking for trusted, local support? Our specialists at Hearing Doctors in Washington are here to help. Fill out the form to connect with our team and take the next step toward better hearing health!

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If you have a question, a concern, or would like a second opinion, our team is here to help. Simply complete the form and a member of our team will call you shortly for a friendly, no-obligation conversation.

Alternatively, you can book an appointment online today.

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Cascades, VA

Falls Church, VA

Fairfax, VA

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Request a Callback

If you have a question, a concern, or would like a second opinion, our team is here to help. Simply complete the form and a member of our team will call you shortly for a friendly, no-obligation conversation.

Alternatively, you can book an appointment online today.

McLean, VA

Cascades, VA

Falls Church, VA

Fairfax, VA

Rockville, MD

Request a Callback

If you have a question, a concern, or would like a second opinion, our team is here to help. Simply complete the form and a member of our team will call you shortly for a friendly, no-obligation conversation.

Alternatively, you can book an appointment online today.

McLean, VA

Cascades, VA

Falls Church, VA

Fairfax, VA

Rockville, MD