Dr. Ana

Anzola, CCC-A, FAAA, ABA Principal

4 Back To School Tips For Children With Hearing Loss

4 Back To School Tips For Children With Hearing Loss

1. Prepare For The Unexpected

Though emergencies are rare, being prepared for one is critical. Make sure your child knows what to do in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency situation. Let both the teacher and the office know how they should communicate with your child during an emergency, in case her hearing aid is damaged.

2. Talk To The Teacher

Talk to the teacher about your child’s hearing loss, and provide instructions for your child’s hearing devices in case of a malfunction. Ask about seating at the front of the class which would make it easier for the child to hear or read lips. Be sure to give the teacher extra batteries and cord clips for your child’s hearing aids, in case they are needed during the school day.

3. Talk To The Bus Driver

An informed bus driver can make sure help is available on the bus when needed. If you can’t be there to meet the bus, see if an older student will help your child get on and off the bus safely. Tell the bus driver how to talk to your child if there is an emergency. Teach your child how to cross the street safely, and to watch for cars while getting on and off the bus.

4. Playing At School

School is a wonderful place for kids to run around, get active and try new things. But it is also a time when hearing devices can get damaged or lost. Make sure hearing aids and cochlear implants are secured with body clips or fabric tape. Let your child’s coach know about their hearing loss, and make sure their devices are properly secured and protected while playing. As you would with teachers, talk to coaches about what to do in case of an emergency, and provide extra batteries and clips for your child’s hearing aids.

You child’s hearing impairment shouldn’t affect their enjoyment at school. A little preparation and a few simple conversations can make the transition back to school easier for your child, their teachers, and yourself.




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