Even with one perfectly hearing ear, it is important to understand the impact unilateral hearing loss can have on a child’s speech and language development, education, attention, self-esteem, and social interactions.

Even with one perfectly hearing ear, it is important to understand the impact unilateral hearing loss can have on a child’s speech and language development, education, attention, self-esteem, and social interactions.
Hearing loss can affect people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly. In older children and adults, hearing loss is often easier to identify. But in infants and young children, it may be more difficult to recognize.
To kids they’re delightful, to adults they’re annoying. But many toys have noise levels that aren’t just annoying, but unsafe. Find out which toys top the list, and what you can do to help prevent hearing damage.
Back to school can be an exciting time for children, but it can also be confusing and disorienting. It can be especially difficult to navigate for children with hearing loss. Here are a few tips that will help make back to school easier for your little one and give you more peace of mind.
According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, 30 out of 1000 children have some degree of hearing loss. Could your child have a hearing loss? Or a child who is in your care as a grandparent, babysitter, coach or camp counselor?
When a child suffers from noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), they may not recognize it right away. As their caregivers, it is important that parents, grandparents and teachers are attuned to any struggles their children are dealing with, and get them the help they need as soon as possible. Find out the symptoms of hearing loss in children so you can help your little ones stay happy and healthy…
When we think of diabetes, we often think of adults, many of whom are overweight or have other cardiovascular risk factors. But thousands of children in the United States are diagnosed with diabetes every year, and the disease can put their hearing at risk. Learn more about the link between diabetes and hearing loss in children…
Having a child exposed to HIV while in the womb can be devastating enough. But even if the child does not contract HIV, new research shows that he is now at a higher risk for hearing loss early in his life. Read about it here…
New research shows that children who contract meningitis are more likely to suffer hearing loss. Learn more…
We already know of many serious risks associated with adolescent obesity. Now researchers have found something even more troubling – a link between adolescent obesity and hearing loss. Read more about it here…
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