Hearing Aid Rental Program

Improve Your Hearing – Without the Upfront Expense

Our Hearing Aid Rental Program is designed to help those with hearing loss get the treatment they need for a manageable, all-inclusive, monthly fee.

Whether you’re looking for an end-of-life hearing solution, need a short-term backup hearing aid, or simply prefer to manage your expenses on a monthly basis rather than incur a large upfront expense, hearing aid rental can be a perfect solution.

  • Easy monthly payments
  • Digital hearing aid technology
  • Everything is included - No unexpected costs

Our all-inclusive hearing aid rental program allows you to pay a low monthly fee and use quality digital hearing aids on a monthly basis. All batteries, supplies, maintenance and repair costs are included.

Audiologist Fitting a Man with Over the Ear Rental Hearing Aids.

Program details:

  • $250 setup fee – Covers initial testing, programming, fine-tuning (home visits or facility visits available for an additional fee) $145/month/ear
  • Includes quality digital hearing aid(s), regular cleaning and maintenance, repairs, batteries, wax guards, office visits, programming and fine-tuning.
  • Minimum 3-month commitment. Cancel anytime afterwards.
  • If at any time you want to purchase the rental, you can purchase at a discount off the MSRP.

Request a Callback

If you have a question, a concern, or would like a second opinion, our team is here to help.

Simply complete the form and a member of our team will call you shortly for a friendly, no-obligation conversation. Alternatively, you can book an appointment online today.

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Audiology & Balance Experts Providing Exceptional Care For Your Quality of Life

Cutting-Edge Technology

State-of-the-Art Equipment Ensuring Accuracy, Best Fit & Superior Sound Quality

Center of Specialty Care

Balance, Dizziness, & Vertigo specialist and proud member and partner of the AIB.

We Accept Most Insurances

We will help verify your benefits in advance, to minimize your out of pocket costs.

2500+ ★★★★★ Patient Testimonials