Cognitive Screening
Don’t let untreated hearing loss lead to cognitive decline.
At Hearing Doctors, we care about your overall health. That’s why we offer comprehensive cognitive screening services in McLean, Fairfax, Falls Church, Cascades, and Rockville. Our patient-centered approach ensures we protect your brain health along with your hearing. Take control of your well-being today—schedule a Cognivue test with us.
Protect Future You
Join the 10,000 people who have taken action to improve their brain health.
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Why Choose Us for Cognitive Screening?
Choose us for a comprehensive brain health screening and cognitive impairment assessment. Our team’s expertise guarantees an accurate and extensive cognitive wellness assessment, helping you make informed decisions for maintaining your brain health.
Book your appointment above for a comprehensive cognitive function test in McLean, Fairfax, Falls Church, Cascades and Rockville. Let’s work together to shield your brain health and enhance your cognitive well-being.